Your well-being is our priority.

Frequently Asked Questions: Ensuring Your Smile and Peace of Mind.
Dentista Prato Bambini

What benefits can I obtain from orthodontic treatment?

The orthodontic treatment provides two major benefits: functional and aesthetic. A misaligned mouth often works harder; moreover, misaligned teeth are also more difficult to clean, and therefore more prone to gum problems and cavities. The aesthetic benefit is evident; having a beautiful smile makes us first of all more confident and more self-assured, and this certainly reflects in our relationships with others.

How to understand if orthodontic treatment is necessary? At what age is the first orthodontic visit recommended?”

The recommended age for a first orthodontic visit is 6-7 years in the vast majority of cases, at which time children are in the mixed dentition phase, meaning they are changing their primary teeth. In some cases, for example when there are harmful habits (such as thumb sucking or pacifier use), it is recommended to have the first visit earlier, around 5-6 years old.

Qual è l’età consigliata per iniziare un trattamento ortodontico nel bambino?

It is quite difficult to generalize; it depends on the type of problem that concerns the patient, whether functional, aesthetic, or both.

How long does orthodontic treatment typically last?

It’s difficult to quantify because orthodontic treatment is specific to each individual patient, and the response to treatment varies. I would say it can range from around 6 months to 36 months.

How often is it necessary to have check-ups?

Usually once every 4-5 weeks.

Is orthodontic treatment painful?

On average, orthodontic treatment is not painful; however, it may take a few days, up to a week at most, initially to get used to it. Furthermore, after visits where certain components are activated, some discomfort may be perceived.

Is it true that headaches can be caused by a bad fit between the teeth?

The spine is all connected, from the first vertebra of the skull to the last sacral vertebra, and through neck muscles it articulates with the mandible; the mandible, in turn, is connected to the skull via the chewing muscles. Poor chewing function, resulting from an altered fit of the teeth, can cause headaches and pain in the neck and back.

What is retention?

After orthodontic treatment, it’s necessary to wear a retainer, which is a removable appliance worn during the night, to maintain the teeth perfectly aligned and prevent neuromuscular readjustment from compromising all the alignment work done.

Can malocclusions be prevented?

We cannot know in advance what a patient’s genetics will hold, but we can avoid some mistakes, such as prolonging the use of a pacifier beyond 3 years, or thumb sucking.

Do misaligned teeth always result in poor occlusal function?

Yes, an incorrect occlusion results in uneven chewing load, leading to tooth wear and stress on the chewing muscles and neck.

How do orthodontic appliances differ from each other?

There are removable appliances (which are worn for a certain number of hours per day and are removed during meals) and fixed appliances (which instead are always on the teeth). Within these two categories, they are distinguished by their specific function, and among fixed appliances, by the provided aesthetics.

Is it possible to mount the orthodontic appliance on a crown?

Yes, specific materials must be used.

Can orthodontic appliances cause cavities?

L’apparecchio ortodontico comporta una maggiore ritenzione di cibo sulle superfici dentali, e quindi uno spazzolamento non corretto puo’ lasciare residui di cibo che trasformati in acido portano alla demineralizzazione dentale e alla carie.

L’adulto può sottoporsi al trattamento ortodontico?

Of course, it’s never too late to start orthodontic treatment.

During orthodontic treatment, should some foods, drinks, or habits be avoided?

It’s important to limit foods and drinks with high sugar content, and especially foods that are too hard or sticky, which can damage the appliance.